Monday, April 30, 2012

Farms Stink

I accompanied Little One and her preschool friends on a field trip to a little local dairy farm. Until the day before the trip, Little One insisted she was not going on the field trip to the little local dairy farm because, and I quote, "Farms stink and I might step in poop." I tried in all my motherly wisdom to convince her it would be fun, but no matter what I said, she kept coming back to her original two objections, to which I could say nothing but, "You are right. Farms stink and you might step in poop." Then the night before the field trip, as we were getting ready for bed, we were once again talking about all things smelly and farmish (I don't think that is a word, but I like it and it sounds like Amish, so I am going to use it). My arguments exhausted, I happened to mention something about us wearing our muck boots and being able to hose them off if they got dirty. And just like that Little One gave up the fight and decided it wouldn't be so bad to go to the farm.

While at the farm she refused to pet any animals, except the cute white rabbit that was sleeping on the farmer's lap. She kept eyeing the door of the barn, plotting her escape, as the farmer's wife told us all about the animals living on her farm. She also spent the entire day (except when she was petting the rabbit and drinking her free milk in the little store) like this-

Little One tolerating her trip to the farm- Wednesday, April 25.

Bunnies must not be that stinky- Wednesday, April 25.

 This cute Starling had a nest up in the ceiling of the baby cow barn. She would fly out to the fields, come back in with a mouth full of worms, and perch on a bit of railing. Then, when she thought no one was looking, she darted into a little round hole in the ceiling. Within a few seconds the glad chirping of a nest full of baby birdies could be heard below. Then just like that, momma bird would pop out of another hole closer to the back of the barn and start the process over again. And I thought round the clock feedings every two hours was tough- Wednesday, April 25.

 I liked the light coming through the floor boards. This was the ceiling of the lower level of one of the barns- Wednesday, April 25.

 Silos and clouds. I thought this was cool because at first glance this could be the smokestacks of a factory- Wednesday, April 25.

This image was a great shot just waiting to be taken. And believe me, I took lots of pictures of it. The problem was, there was a silver SUV parked right behind the front wheel of the tractor and a yellow bucket on the wagon. Try as I might, I couldn't get a shot I liked without annoying pieces of both of the above mentioned items. So I spent a little time in PSE today and am pretty happy with the results- Taken, Wednesday, April 25. Edited, Monday, April 30.

The original. Nice bucket- Wednesday, April 25.


  1. You are on a roll today. Do I need to come home to save the children?

    Speaking of which, you HAVE to do a 'Lee Jimmy' post, right?

  2. I did most of this while I was "helping" The Oldest work on his research paper. Lee Jimmy was sleeping and Little One and V-Money were busy playing dress up. Now they are all watching a movie together and Lee Jimmy is busy kissing everybody. It's all good. No rescuing needed. I have at least one more post to do to get caught up. Not sure if that will happen today. Here's looking forward to nap time tomorrow!
