January 1st- the day of dreams unblemished and goals unbroken. And the day I usually keep my thoughts to myself, because I've gotten to know myself pretty well over the last 35 years. I'll tell you this, I really love planning stuff at the beginning of the year, thinking about how cool the stuff is going to be the rest of the year, and figuring out how I'll make time for said cool stuff in my real life once Christmas vacation is over and I have three kids to teach, and my husband, who is a housekeeping machine when he's home, goes back to work. It all seems so easy and do-able and fun, those plans in my head. And then they meet real life and (too easily, I'm sure) I bid them farewell and thank them for the fun we had planning.
So today's fresh and fun New Year idea began its slow formation when I pulled out my camera from its quiet place in the coat closet. It's been a long time since I've purposed to make my camera part of an ordinary day. She's been to dance recitals and birthday parties, concerts and even a wedding, but for the most part she's just been hanging on the back of the closet door. For some reason today I pulled her out and she helped me clean up Christmas, and I liked having her with me in the midst of ordinary. And so all day long I thought and tweaked my thoughts, working on a plan to keep my camera in my hand this year in the midst of 'just life'.
And this is what I've come up with- Project 2015: Worth a Thousand Words. I'm giving myself a total of 1,000 words to caption daily photos over the course of the year. The goal is to document a year in photos and exactly 1000 words.
The January 1st me says, "I'll do it! And it will be awesome! I'll get all the pictures printed into one of those Shutterfly books and we'll have it to look at forever and ever! Heck, I'll just do it every year from now on! We'll have a book shelf of books documenting our years! How awesome!
The January 5th me says, "You sure you want to post this? Let's just keep this idea between the two of us for now, kay? It's a fun idea and all, but, well..."
So I'm posting this- loving the idea and the thought of a fun project and hoping I'll love it enough once real life hits that I keep on going. I really do think it such a fun little creative challenge! So stay tuned, and feel free to remind me that though "well begun is half done", the other half is now waiting for me in the finishing.
"If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse." Here's to a 2015 with a whole lot of want-to and way-finding.
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