Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Side of the Fence

I've heard it said the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but I wouldn't know from personal experience. I can't actually see over our neighbor's fence unless I am staring out The Oldest's bedroom window and then I just feel like a peeping tom. The fence that divides our yards is about six feet tall. Our neighbor told us they put it up because of their dogs, but I have never yet seen their dogs jump anywhere close to six feet in the air. I actually think they just really like their privacy. There was one spot right up against the house that the fence was just a little picket style. You didn't notice though because there were massive evergreens growing behind it. The little picket fence served as an official boundary line, doing nothing to help in the quest for privacy. But one summer our neighbor decided to cut down the trees behind this little picket fence part. This posed a problem, not so much for us because for the first time in nine years I had sunshine streaming in my kitchen window, but for our neighbors. You see, now we could actually see right into their back yard. This evidently made them feel very uncomfortable. We tried our best not to stare, but it was as if we were standing in Berlin on the day the wall fell getting our first glimpse of a land we had only before heard of in stories (And through brief glimpses out The Oldest's window, but we really tried to limit those. How horrible would it be if you were caught by your neighbor- especially a neighbor who apparently likes to keep the affairs of their backyard very private- peeping into their backyard!) Well, our neighbor isn't one to waste any daylight and soon had remedied the situation. In place of the towering trees, he took two sections of six foot fencing, sawed off the very top of one and stacked them on top of each other. We now have what I believe might be the tallest fence in small town America. As with all things that make you stop and tilt your head a bit, we gave this marvel of back yard construction a name. If you can't make it to any of the real Seven Wonders this summer, feel free to stop by and visit "The Great Wall of Stan*" right here in a town near you.

I don't actually have pictures of the Great Wall of Stan* today, just one picture of the measly six foot section that I had fun tweaking in PSE. The discourse on the G.W. of S.* was just a bonus. You're welcome.

I took it because I liked the light shining through the slats and the little knot hole.

 Black and white.

 Increased saturation, highlights, color hues, other stuff.

Sepia- Tuesday, April 24.

*Name was changed to protect the privacy of someone who really likes to have their privacy protected.

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