Monday, March 5, 2012

Footie Pajamas

Just to make things very clear, I did in fact get dressed this morning. I left the house in clothes to drop off kids, pick up kids, and get a few groceries and other necessary household items at three different stores. It's just that when I got home from picking up the last child, the girls both decided they were cold and wanted to put on their footie pajamas. Kids are so incredibly cute in footie pajamas- something about being all zipped up in fleece, I guess. I must say that adults in footie pajamas are a bit of a different story. I would venture to guess that not many people have had the opportunity to see an adult in footie pajamas before, so they have no point of comparison. Well, let me set the record straight, from first hand experience, that footie pajamas should from this day and forever hence, remain a fashion trend for the young.

To make a long story short, since I didn't even attempt to do that yesterday, My Husband actually bought me my very own pink footie pajamas a few years ago. The poor guy had grown weary in trying to keep all of the extra blankets off of his side of the bed and decided that if I had my own pair of footie pajamas he might be able to fall asleep with only one, very thin blanket on the bed. Plus, he thought it would be really hilarious. Well, the things are so huge and really annoying to wear that I have never worn them to bed. So, while My Husband's hope of not burning up while sleeping has been deferred, his idea of a getting a good laugh out of the whole thing at my expense has happened more than once. They do provide quite a bit of comic relief whenever I feel silly enough to put them on, and they make for fun pictures when the girls both have their footies on. I have also figured out a few other ways I could put them to use. If I ever go to a Halloween party, all I will need is a blankie, a bonnet, and a bottle to pull off a great giant baby costume. Or if I get asked to play the Easter Bunny, I'll just have to find some ears, grab a basket and I'll be good to go. I must say they are very, very warm. So I figure if we ever lose power in the middle of winter, or get stranded on the side of the road on a cold, cloudless night and I actually thought to put the footie pajamas in the car before we left, the girls and I will have a good chance of surviving. It will be a situation along those lines that will make My Husband think twice about laughing at me covered from head to toe in yards and yards of pink fleece.

Footie Pajamas. Picture by The Oldest- Monday, March 5.

The start of a pretty sunset. Picture by me- Monday, March 5.

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