Friday, March 9, 2012

One of Many Lessons Learned

I've learned a lot being married for ten years- a lot about myself and a lot about how to live with someone who, in certain ways, if very different from myself. One of those lessons learned by experience has to do with odd jobs around the house. I have come to discover that if I have enough muscles to complete a project without having to ask My Husband to get involved, I should go ahead and do it. Not that My Husband is not handy, nor does he ever deny his assistance when it is requested, but little fix it jobs are very close to the bottom of his list of enjoyable ways to spend free time, right there with having to go to the dentist or listen to country music. So, over the years I have gotten pretty handy, if I do say so myself, especially with a drill. I used to be scared to use the drill, thinking I would send the bit through my hand or get it stuck in the wall or something. Now we are pretty good friends, the drill and me. I still get a bad blister every time from trying to change the bits, but I've come to look at them with pride, sort of like war wounds gained in daring exploits with an old pal.

When we have a big project to do, My Husband and I work really well together. I like to sit and plan how the floor planks will fit in and how we will trim the edges, while he likes the measuring (always twice) and cutting (only once, due to careful measuring) and cleaning up when the job is done. But when the job is something small, that should take just a few minutes (but usually takes longer because something goes wrong or we have to make multiple trips to the basement because we didn't bring up the right tools to start with), I have found it is best to just jump in and try to start and finish it while My Husband is at work.

 Like today, for example. The threshold to our basement steps has been crumbling apart for the past couple of years. Today I decided I had had enough and determined I was going to fix it using supplies I could find in the basement. My method of working on a project usually involves thinking as I go, getting out way more stuff than I will need, and digging through the pile to make things work. My Husband does not thrive in this sort of a setting. He is much more the work it out in a neat and orderly way kind of guy (the reason I will jump into this sort of a thing only when he is not at home). I am happy to report that the threshold is currently sitting under two ten pound hand weights and a pile of books while the glue dries, and the tools and all the rest of the stuff I pulled out are neatly tucked away. A project complete and no mess to cause stress- two things My Husband will like very much- Friday, March 9.

 I also decided to patch some holes in the upstairs hallway. The fix-it juices were flowing and I figured- why waste the home improvement adrenaline? While I was at it, I glued and nailed up a broken section of trim, too- Friday, March 9.

Because of our very opposite working styles, I actually have my own set of tools. I am not always the best about putting away all of the things I use when I am finished with a project, so in order to help maintain domestic felicity, I avoid using My Husband's nicely organized tools as much as possible. I still have to use his drill, though. If I ever get my own, it will be pink, not orange- Friday, March 9.


  1. For the record, country music is actually at the bottom, then projects, and then going to the dentist (my hygienist is nice, and I like Dr. Seidel, even though he pests me about stuff).

    And Shelby does an awesome job on the home projects, so I figure, why not?

  2. I like reading posts when you talk about Jeff.. I can picture him grumbling gibberish through a project he doesn't want to do, and it makes me laugh.
