Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Reading

This is a picture of my Little House books. They are by far my favorite pieces of literature. Some of my fondest childhood memories are the hours my mom and I sat reading through these books. I got my very first one when I was in second grade. On the title page of On the Banks of Plum Creek is a stamp that says "Happy Reading from RIF". Don't quote me, but I believe RIF stood for a program called "Reading is Fundamental". Once a year when we went to our library class there would be new books spread all over the tables. Our teacher, Miss Kling, would make us all line up along the book shelves and thoroughly explain that these books were donations from so and so and tell us that we could each choose one to take home. I am sure the rest of her instructions included things like, 'Don't run. No fighting over books. When you select your book, please sit quietly at a table and begin reading.' But that year, I didn't hear her words. My eyes had locked in on the book I wanted to make mine and I was busy planning the shortest route to get to it. When she finally gave us the go, I made a wild dash across the little room and successfully snatched the first of what would become my set of Little House books. Now at the time I had no idea who Laura Ingalls Wilder was, nor did I really care what was contained in the book. My single criteria in choosing On the Banks of Plum Creek was that it was the fattest book on all the tables. I guess I figured if I was getting something for free, I ought to make the best of it. Well, I am so glad that big book with the pale yellow cover made it into my hands, for I can honestly say I have never read another book that I love more.

I pulled them all out today because we have just started in on the last one, The First Four Years, and I was feeling sentimental. I have loved reading through these with my kids, remembering when I read them for the first time and waiting for their reactions to certain scenes that I couldn't wait to visit again. I've had to employ a good bit of tape this time around, but I really like the worn edges and the creases on the spine. They speak to me of memories made spending hours snuggling on the couch, getting lost in beautiful words- Thursday, January 26.

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