Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Warm January Day in a Special Place

As if the temperature reaching into the 50s was not wonderful enough, I got to enjoy part of this unseasonably beautiful day at one of my very favorite places. I am currently away, by myself (and loving every minute of it) at Camp Hebron. I spent two summers on staff here when I was in college and have found my way back for many different reasons over the years. One of my favorites is to muck through the woods in my boots with my camera, of course.

A bird's nest in a Sweetgum Tree. You have to click on the picture to really see the little prickly sweetgum balls- Saturday, January 28.

This little creek is often just a trickle in the summer. But everything is soggy right now and the water is spilling downstream with the most beautiful and soothing sound- Saturday, January 28.

Two cool shots of stuff growing on other stuff. I can't give you any more information than that. I only have time for one nature pursuit right now and that is bird watching- Saturday, January 28.

Speaking of bird watching, I have to share this image. Not because it is a good picture, but because of the subject. I walked into my kitchen yesterday and saw a big patch of white in the evergreens. At first I thought it was a plastic bag that had gotten stuck. But then I looked closer and quickly tip toed to get my camera. I didn't dare open the glass door, instead I took this through the glass. This bird was sitting on my neighbor's fence, the usual perch of our sparrows and chickadees. That post in the foreground is the corner of our deck. The bird's feathers are puffed up because it was windy. My initial i.d. is a Cooper's Hawk. But I can't say for sure. I haven't checked all my bird sites yet- Friday, January 27.

This is the usual crowd that gathers on the fence. They graciously allowed our guest full access to any part of the fence he wanted- Thursday, January 5.

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