Friday, February 3, 2012

Beach Front Property

I didn't really feel like taking pictures today. Mostly because I had some amazing friends over for a few hours this afternoon and we just sat and talked and laughed about really silly things. I was sad to see them go and lingered for a while in the living room after they left. I didn't think to get my camera out while they were here and after they were gone, I really just felt like snuggling up with a cup of tea and a good book. But when school was done the kids wanted to head outside to enjoy a warm Friday afternoon. I figured since I had to leave the comfort of the couch, I would at least take my camera along.

Here's me imagining the baseball field in our back yard is a stretch of sunny beach.

 Evidence of an earlier visitor- Friday, February 3.

Drawings in the sand- Friday, February 3.

This one is a little hard to read. I had to shoot it from the side so my shadow wouldn't be in the way. It is a tribute from The Oldest that says, "Mom Rocks!" -Friday, February 3.

Now before you get all teary eyed, let me explain. This is the first picture The Oldest carved in the sand. He did it with his Ripstik. He asked me to take a picture and then asked if I would post it on my blog. I replied with something cocky like, "If you wrote, 'Mom is awesome!', I might think about putting that on the blog." So, in an effort to get published and be cocky in return, he created the 'Mom Rocks!' picture. Rocks is a lot easier to spell than awesome- Friday, February 3.

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