Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunshine, Snow, and My Mystery Bird

We woke up to blue skies and sunshine sparkling on the little covering of snow that had arrived yesterday. It was the kind of snow that has no chance of sticking around once it meets full daylight. So, in boots and pajamas, I went out to take a few pictures before it disappeared.

I liked the thin line of snow framing the edge of the fence and also the way the top of the tree was bent over from the weight of the snow. It reminded me of something I might find in Whoville- Thursday, February 9.

I was busy trying to take pictures of the sunlight shining through some branches, when I noticed a familiar outline high in a tree a few houses away. I quickly abandoned the whole sun through the branches thing and zeroed in on the return of my mystery bird- Thursday, February 9.

I had to zoom in so much that just pushing the button to take the picture moved the camera enough that I couldn't get a good shot. So, in I went for the tripod. I wish I would have thought to have one of the kids take a picture of me taking these pictures. I am sure it was quite a sight. But I did get some clear images of this guy's back and legs, which is what I had been hoping to do. That said, I still can't say for sure what kind of bird it is. Sharp-shinned or Cooper's Hawk, your guess is as good as mine. Hey, maybe way better. If anybody reading this happens to be an expert bird watcher, and has not yet told me for fear I will bombard you with questions and beg to come along on your bird spotting expeditions, I promise, in exchange for a positive I.D., that I will not bother you. Well, maybe just a few questions every now and then and some subtle comments about how I would love to look for birds with someone who could be blessed by sharing their years of knowledge and experience with someone new to the pursuit. Now how bothersome could that be? -Thursday, February 9.

I love the perspective in this picture. The trees in the foreground grow along the fence that the bird had been sitting on when I took his picture before. I enjoyed watching him today in my neighbor's tree much better- Thursday, February 9.

When I made myself stop taking pictures to go inside and do the motherly thing of making sure First Grader was ready for school, I noticed this little bit of evergreen at the base of our deck steps. I couldn't just walk by and leave it there un-photographed. After all, one picture (Okay, three. Really,who can take just one?) wouldn't make her late. And if I waited, the perfectly dusted snow would surely be gone by the time I got back to it. So I did what any good multi-tasking mom would do. I cracked open the back door, yelled in something about teeth-brushing, homework, and a backpack, and then scurried back to the patio to get this picture. (In case you are wondering, First Grader was ready for school with time to spare). It was a great morning- Thursday, February 9.

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