Saturday, February 25, 2012

Getting Groceries

I usually purpose to go grocery shopping all by myself. The biggest reason is that I hate grocery shopping and I avoid it as long as possible, therefore, when I end up having to go to the store because we are all sick of eating bacon bits and pop tarts, my cart is usually so full, I have no room to keep any children with me. That, and I get too distracted trying not to lose anybody that I usually forget half of the things on my list. But today, the fates aligned in such a way that to put off going to the grocery store any longer was not an option. We finished the Sunny D yesterday at breakfast, the last of the Wed. night leftovers at dinner, and are nearly out of ice cream. We also have people coming over for dinner tonight- that's the biggie that put the nail in the coffin. If not for our guests, who believe they will be fed at least a tolerable meal this evening, I think we could have scraped by a few more days. We still had a nice supply of Ramen, about seven of those little carrots, and two whole boxes of Gertrude Hawk White Chocolate Peanut Butter Smidgens. (I got them on an after Christmas sale. Those things are good!) So, since I was down one kid, thanks to an invitation to a friend's house, I decided to throw caution to the wind and set out for groceries with Little One in tow. The whole thing actually went pretty well. I only had to circle back once upon making it to the check out line for the lunch meat and eggs I forgot to pick up the first time through.

Little One at the grocery store. By the time we made it to frozen foods, I just purposed to stop every minute or so to be sure she was still breathing underneath the pile of groceries- Saturday, February 25.

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